Ello everyone! What a month it has been right? With back to school underway for a lot of us—we are currently in the middle of our first full week back and it has been a learning experience for everyone in our home to say the least.
Not only are we back to school and doing remote learning, we have also transitioned our littles to each have their own rooms. I have been head down creating and designing each of their spaces to be as comfortable and organized for each of them as they embark and rock this remote learning school year. Part of that has meant designating workspaces which look different for a Kindergartner and a 4th grader.
One thing that can be said is if you are starting Kindergarten during a global pandemic AND remote learning in place … LOOK OUT WORLD! Haha! Same goes for all the other grades too and a HUGE shout out to all the parents/caretakers/support, etc. aiding all the kids in the day to day of this school year. We CAN do this!
As I was dreaming up our Kindergartener’s space one thing that I had the pleasure (and so much fun) creating was a desk. Our whole family walked the maze called IKEA for hours one evening and found a table top we liked for him, only to find that the legs for said table were not in stock and did not intend on being in stock any time in the near future. I happened to go back a few weeks after that initial trip with our littles to pick something else up and just as we were about to check out I saw it! Deal Days! Up to 75% off of Kitchen doors and drawer fronts. I looked around the boxes and found the MÄRSTA door front. As I looked at the display of the mini door I noticed that it already had pre-cut holes on the back of it and LIGHT BULB! 💡 Here is what I came up with:
(1) IKEA MÄRSTA cabinet door front [ We purchased ours for $10 !!! You can check with your nearby IKEA if they are in stock or you can order online HERE
(2) Wood dowels size 1 & 3/4
Hand saw/table saw
Wood glue —> this is the one we used Titebond III and it worked great! You can purchase it HERE
(4) Adhesive furniture felt pads (optional)
Step 1: Unbox your Ikea
Märsta cabinet door front.
Step 2: Measure + cut wood dowels to height desired using a table/hand saw. We cut ours to 17 inches each for our little to sit comfortably.
Step 3: Add wood glue to fill the pre-cut indents on the back side of the MÄRSTA door + insert wood dowels. We added some glue to the outside of the dowels too, for a more secure hold.
Step 4: Add adhesive furniture felt pads to the bottom of the desk legs if you would like and let it dry right side up.
You’re all done! I absolutely LOVE the cute handle on our littles desk, it makes it easier to move around and it’s a cool design detail which I am ALWAYS on the lookout for. Go ahead and style your desk + add a chair, school supplies/anything your little needs!
Our Kindergartener is ready to ace his ABC’s, did you notice his little toes in the pic above? 😍 Remember to hashtag #allkidsdiy and/or comment on this post when you create your adorable desk so we can see! Until next time loves ✌🏽